Here is one of the interesting episodes of Khawater series #9 which I helped produce in Europe this year. This episode deals with transport and the UK black cab.
What was amazing about planning this episode was finding all the interesting facts about the black cab and the ‘knowledge test’ future drivers need to go through to get their ‘license’ to drive in London.
The knowledge test school : WizAnn was extraordinary allowing us to film at their school and even try some of their student drivers, we fell on a very nice Algerian man who has been studying for his knowledge test for 3 years now.
It was a great experience , I thank eproducers in Egypt and Mr Shugairy for putting the trust in my work and in Tarmak Media.
enjoy the episode ! (subtitled soon into english)
Allow me Mrs.D.K.T to wish you and your blessed family ALL the very best and wish you constant success in every project you execute! Even though such a long time PAST since your Beloved Father /my colleague (and i say this in a very humble way ) but honoured to make you know that he was the SPICE or the salt of, in ,then our Art Dept at MondayMorning/Ike Lebanese Weekly/Daily in BEIRUT /ROMA Street in1977/8 as i had the privilege to work with him in the same ROOM, as HE used to arrive about 09 or 10p .m and sit on his desk near the window and draw his Masterpiece (s ) for both publications /i was then 30 y .o and very awestruck with geniuses as HIS good self/ i recall the day when Camera Crew came with spotlights making a document about HIM ,if i was right in my claim..or maybe the Lebanese press?? i assume it was the BBC? I worked there for few weeks as Titles Setter (LETTRASET) with another Armenian guy like me..but left in wages dispute with Mr.Nadim AbuGhannam and the owner Mr, Fawaz Najiyeh ?? I saw HIM enjoying ,as myself the MARROUCH SHISH TAOUK sandwiches they used to feed us ,he staff, and his sense of humour and funny quips over the food! sweet memories … then at 1 or 2 a.m i left for home in ZARIFF (Zokak el Blat) sometimes under heavy shelling close or far! Around Christmas 1979 i came to London and early 1980 with an appointment given by HIS kind words ,i visited him in his office at Al Sharq Al Awsat ,looking for job as Layout/paste up artist which was my prof. But when he knew my staying in U.K status, he said i can give you job here if you get indef.stay permit.. unfortunately this was first & last meeting with This Great Artist.even though i kept buying Al Sharq Al Awsat because of his Daily Cartoon (s )that GRACED the top page….(s).
0 And sometime ago when on the Internet i read the sad Obituary.. Honest to GOD ALMIGHTY i was terribly shocked and distressed, such a GOD given talent Re-claimed ,and we the mortals lost such amusing daily S M I L E (S), as the english say BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ?? I wanted to say A GREAT Thank You to HIM, for even kindly not denying me as a Beiruti colleague/and for his most valuable time..then!!/ Who is resting in Heavenly peace ,watching the world situation TODAY and saying t>> Dear GOD please look after all my loved ones in such troublesome world ,,,and don t let the world you created ..lose its sense of humour ..even without me being there and many many my other colleagues now with me here !!<< SORRY Mrs, Trometer for such a long Comment// by the way in one of the documents i think it was you in Beirut ?? searching files & archives and old Lebanese Mags. that your Great Father worked for even as an ART Director and how people were not helpful to you and ignorant then .. i had too many piles of collection ..but the 1975 war ruined every thing and lost … ALLAH BI AWWED as we say/ before we moved from KHANDAQ aL Ghamiq 1976 area my neighbour was OSBOUH AL ARABI s distributor then… all gone /shame & pity.. Yours truly ISahak BARSOUMIAN /lONDON