I was approached by the amazing Nicolas Kent at Oxford Film and Television to work on. Today, 3 years later , it is out and i am very proud of it.
‘I was a Yazidi Slave’ made its london BBC Four debut last night. The work was fulfilling and working with the likes of Director David Evans, Criminal Lawyer Philippe Sands and Psychiatrist Jan Kizilhan was one of those rare moments in my career where I felt :’ Gosh I am Lucky’.
The most important part of this film is gaining trust. The two main characters of the story : Lewiza and Dalal are the reason that made me take on the job to co-produce this film. Those girls went through hell and back. The most pivotal part of making this story work is make sure that Lewiza and Dalal are an integral part of the story and are always aware how they will be portrayed in the last cut.
Director David Evans had a beautiful impact on the final cut and was like a father figure to the girls. He made sure that they are always aware of the story he is putting together.
My beautiful second half : Eric Trometer was the main Director of Photography on this project. His images are clearly striking and just added the beauty to the product. ( Yes I know , I am in Love! )
Hope you enjoy it. Check it out online…
- Part of the : WHY SLAVERY SERIES : WHY SLAVERY? aims to vastly increase awareness of modern slavery and empower individuals, communities and politicians to take effective measures to address it.